I love to look at the Yin/Yang symbol. There is always an element of positive in the negative and vis-versa. What the pandemic has brought forward is a lot of uncertainty, worries, and fear. And sometimes it may feel like that’s all we focus on. I also believe that what the pandemic has brought to the forefront is how we, as human beings, have a choice. Not in all matters, potentially. Yet, we have a choice on how to step forward with our body and mind.
For instance, what could you do right now to improve your sense of wellbeing, independently from the pandemic?
Maybe you have thought of improving your sleep, shading weight, or starting a new movement routine, meditation, or spending time with people that matter to you?
Now, may be a good time to reset and recommit to yourself, and honour what really matters for your wellbeing.
Quick start!
– Journaling to identify how you really feel, and articulate your thoughts and emotions.
I love notebooks, however, I found it easier to journal on my phone using the Jour App or Notes.
– Go back to basics! For instance, stay hydrated, eat your vegetables, breathe, and move.
– Celebrate life! Perhaps through reconnecting with who you really are and your community (even virtually).
– Embrace gratitude! Focusing on positive aspects is more likely to boost your moods.